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84% of financial institutions

In the past year, 84% of financial institutions experienced account takeovers. It can cost up to 8.3% of their annual revenue.


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300 times more cyber attacks

Financial service firms may experience up to 300 times more cyber attacks per year than other firms.


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2nd highest data breach costs

Financial organizations continue to experience the 2nd highest data breach costs, USD 5.90 million.



Power a Safer Financial Environment

Banks, Credit Unions, and Financial Institutions harbor massive amounts of confidential data. As digital services expand, these entities become prime cyberattack targets, with account details and credit card information regularly traded on the Dark Web.

By securing employee and customer information, mitigating third-party risks, and maintaining adherence to regulations, financial institutions can protect their own systems and the data of their customers.

Enzoic provides a simple and secure defense platform that checks internal and external passwords and credentials to identify at-risk accounts and remediate cyberattacks.

financial services

Protection of Financial and Personal Customer Information

Align with the SEC’s requirements to prevent anticipated threats by continuously monitoring for compromised credentials across your user base and prompt compromised users to reset their passwords. Preemptively protect against unauthorized access that could compromise customer records and information.


A Simple and Secure Defense Platform for Employee and Consumer Accounts

  • Protect Internal Accounts: Our Active Directory solution seamlessly plugs into your existing Active Directory, providing robust protection for internal credentials. By continually monitoring for compromised passwords and credentials, we identify and rectify vulnerabilities, adding a foundational layer of security to secure employee accounts.
  • Customer Logins: Enzoic’s Password and Credentials API seamlessly integrates with your mobile banking or customer-facing logins, allowing organizations to monitor and safeguard login credentials against exposure on the Dark Web.
  • Payment Card BIN Monitoring: BIN monitoring allows financial institutions to proactively track credit and debit card numbers for Dark Web exposure, enabling quick action to prevent damage and bolster customer trust.

Enhance Security

Automatically monitor for compromised credentials and guard employee and consumer data, all while maintaining a frictionless and secure authentication process.

Reduce Costs

Minimize IT workloads by automating password best practices, and discover when legitimate passwords and credentials become compromised on the Dark Web.

Compliance Readiness

Automate your password policy by identifying and remediating security risks while generating compliance documentation.

The FTC and SEC now cite compromised credentials in financial service firms as inadequate data security practices.

Financial Service Resources


Three Tips to Combat Cyber-threats in the Financial Industry

Three tips that financial organizations in the credit, banking, and insurance industries could benefit from to keep data and networks secure.

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How Third-Party Breaches Impact Financial Institutions

Financial institutions need to recognize the profound implications of third-party breaches and arm themselves with the tools and strategies.

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Resource Hub

Guarding Financial Data

Why it is essential that institutions incorporate Dark Web monitoring so that they can be proactive in the face of evolving threats.

Download the Paper