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Enzoic Blog

Research, views, and insights on cybersecurity, account takeover, fraud, and more

Viewing Account Takeover

The New DIBBS Password Format Explained

This is a brief summary of the new DIBBS (DLA Internet Bid Board System) password format changes and the rationale behind some of these changes.

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Specialized Threat Intelligence: Breach Data to Defensive Solution

To provide the most effective defense, our compromised credential database is continuously updated to defend against credential stuffing attacks

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Employee Account Takeover in the Age of COVID-19

Account takeover during the COVID-19 pandemic: As the threat to our health grows, so do the cyberattacks. Why is this and how can organizations prevent it?

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HIPAA & Employee Password Policies

Hospitals and healthcare providers comply with HIPAA to keep stakeholders secure. But how should employee password policy be handled in light of HIPAA?

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Employee Password Security for Healthcare Providers

Employee Password Security for Healthcare Providers: How can hospitals & healthcare providers tackle password security?

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NIST 800-171: Change of Characters in Passwords

NIST 800-171 guidelines say to enforce minimum password complexity and change of characters when new passwords are created. Here is how you can do it!

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Microsoft Highlights The Risk of Stolen Passwords

Microsoft found 44 million accounts were vulnerable due to the use of stolen passwords. How can organizations combat password reuse & compromised passwords?

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Shop Safely This Cyber Monday

Shop safely this Cyber Monday! Don't reuse passwords, avoid public wifi and other tips to keep you safe online. Don't be a victim of account takeover!

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Disney and the Password Reuse Problem

The Disney+ Launch: A whole new world of content, the same password reuse problem. Organizations need to screen for compromised credentials.

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