Research, views, and insights on cybersecurity, account takeover, fraud, and more
Credential stuffing & brute force attacks use very different methods to accomplish account takeover. This article outlines what they are, how they operate and how to handle them.
Cybersecurity, Data Breaches, NIST 800-63, Password Security, Regulation and Compliance
Law firms are frequently targeted by hackers but the ABA's Formal Opinion 483 will guide law firm cybersecurity policy to protect firms and their clients.
PasswordPing an innovative credential screening and cybersecurity company, formally announced today that it has changed it name to Enzoic.
All enterprises balance their need for strong authentication security against a frictionless user login process. How some solutions can help that balance.
Facebook accidentally stores "hundreds of millions" user passwords in plaintext and around 20,000 Facebook employees had access to view these passwords.
The FTC is sending a strong message that businesses will no longer be able to play the victim-card. Instead, they are responsible for protecting their customers from credential stuffing and account takeover.
There is a continuous stream of small data breaches that make no headlines but present outsized risks to individuals and organizations.
Recent research, news and updates on threats and cybersecurity.
With rapid rate of evolution within technology, why are we still using passwords? The answer lies in the simple, positive attributes of passwords that are not found in other authentication methods: affordable, easy to replace, universally compatibility, privacy safe and no false positive. This closer look highlights the gaps in other methods that will make it hard to get past the password.
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