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Enzoic Blog

Research, views, and insights on cybersecurity, account takeover, fraud, and more

Viewing Password Security

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Password Spraying: How Common Passwords Threaten Your Organization

Proactive steps to mitigate password spray attacks and other credential-based attacks to protect your client and employee accounts.

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Pride and Passwords: Top Hacking Methods & How to Prevent Them

The password attack methods hackers frequently used against enterprises and how your business can prevent damage or breaches.

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Digitizing the Voting Process: From Paper to Passwords

There are many reasons to modernize the voting process, but transitioning from analog to digital in a security-sensitive environment is not easy.

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A Benchmark for Your Unsafe Passwords

Read just how big the problem of compromised credentials may be for a company like yours and to provide a benchmark based on Enzoic’s audit.

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The Health of Security

Healthcare organizations are a prime target. Here are six tips that healthcare institutions can take to increase the effectiveness of their security.

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Password Blacklists: Applying the Goldilocks Principle

A password blacklist is critical to network security, but companies still struggle with questions about how long & what should be included.

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How CJIS Evolved Password Policy Requirements

The CJIS Security Policy is regularly updated to evolving industry best practices. The June 2019 update introduced a new policy option for passwords.

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State of Password Security: Response Required

Read why organizations need to react urgently to the state of password security, according to data from 451 Research.

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Root Passwords: The Root of Password Problems

Root Passwords: Most users will select common “root” words and just modify them with easily guessable variations. Here is what you can do about it.

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