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Enzoic Blog

Research, views, and insights on cybersecurity, account takeover, fraud, and more

Viewing Password Tips

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Evolving Password-Based Security to Fight Compromised Credentials Attacks

The continued barrage of reports about data breaches and account hijacking, make it painfully clear that the way organizations are managing password-based security is missing something. When we look at how cybercriminal tactics have evolved, and how compromised credential attacks have impacted these methods, one answer to the problem of the password becomes clear.

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Checking Compromised Credentials: Looking Closer at NIST Password Guidelines

NIST suggests passwords should be screened against commonly-used, expected, or compromised passwords. This is intended to ensure passwords are not found in common cracking dictionaries that would make them easy to guess. These checks can occur at account creation and password reset. But then what? How do you know if they are still safe after time?

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Users Suck at Passwords. Help Them.

How many of your users are using insecure and compromised passwords? You may have a standard password strength meter on your site so you may think that your users have secure passwords. Think again. Password strength meters and password complexity requirements are simply not enough.

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