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Transforming How MSPs, MSSPs and VARs Protect their Customers

Exposed credentials continue to be a leading cause of data breaches, making it a top priority for organizations to protect themselves from this threat. Active Directory is particularly appealing to attackers; infiltrating just one account can grant them access to a company’s critical data and infrastructure. Alarmingly, threat actors on the Dark Web traffic a staggering number of compromised credentials, a substantial chunk of which could be active in domains you oversee. This presents both a duty and an opportunity for security professionals — whether they are Managed Service Providers (MSPs), tech resellers, working in-house, or representing other important stakeholders — to aid their organizations and clients in planning effective strategies to guard against the risk of credential compromise in Active Directory.

Enhance Security with Enzoic for Active Directory

Enzoic for Active Directory is a foundational tool for those looking to strengthen their defenses against credential-based attacks. This robust solution goes beyond simple scans, offering continuous protection and automated remediation to ensure your Active Directory environment remains secure.

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The Enzoic Advantage

Enzoic for Active Directory is designed for seamless integration and continuous protection. It’s a powerful resource for MSPs, MSSPs, and resellers who are responsible for advising clients and protecting multiple environments. Here’s why the full Enzoic for Active Directory solution is the optimal choice:

  • Comprehensive Protection: Unlike basic tools, Enzoic for Active Directory continuously monitors credentials against a dynamic threat database. It ensures that new passwords comply with stringent security policies and that any compromised credentials are swiftly detected and remediated.
  • Automated Remediation: When a user’s information is detected in a data breach, Enzoic automates the response with configurable actions, such as requiring a password reset or disabling the account. This automation reduces the administrative burden and ensures immediate action is taken to mitigate threats.
  • Enhanced Security Policies: Enzoic for Active Directory allows for custom password policies, including blacklisting certain passwords, detecting password similarities, and blocking username derivatives. This flexibility helps in creating a more secure and compliant environment.
  • Real-Time Credential Screening: Credentials are screened at creation and monitored daily to ensure ongoing protection. This real-time approach means that threats are identified and addressed swiftly, preventing potential breaches.
  • User Experience and Compliance: By implementing Enzoic, organizations can end time-based password resets, which reduces friction for end-users and decreases help desk call volume. Additionally, it ensures compliance with NIST 800-63B guidelines with a single click, making it easier for organizations to meet regulatory requirements.

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Why MSPs, MSSPs, and Resellers Should Choose Enzoic for Active Directory

For Managed Service Providers (MSPs), MSSPs, and resellers, offering a solution like Enzoic for Active Directory not only enhances security but also demonstrates a commitment to providing top-tier protection for your clients. Here’s how it benefits you:

  • Value Addition: By integrating Enzoic for Active Directory, you can offer your clients a superior security solution that provides continuous protection and automated remediation, reducing the risk of data breaches significantly.
  • Ease of Use: The solution is designed to be installed and configured in minutes, allowing you to quickly deploy it across multiple environments without extensive downtime or complex setups.
  • Customization and Branding: Customize reports and notifications with your branding, reinforcing your role as a trusted security advisor. Personalized reports can help in communicating risks and remediation steps clearly to stakeholders.
  • Scalability: Whether managing small or large environments, Enzoic for Active Directory scales to meet your needs, making it suitable for various client sizes and industries.
  • Business Case: Enzoic for Active Directory not only enhances security but also presents a compelling business case by reducing administrative overhead and support costs, thereby increasing your service margins.

Get Started for Free

Don’t let compromised credentials be the weak link in your customers’ security chain. Enzoic for Active Directory provides a comprehensive, automated, and continuous security solution tailored for modern IT environments. You can try Enzoic for Active Directory free for up to 20 users. Elevate your security posture and protect your clients with the full Enzoic for Active Directory solution.

You can also get a snapshot of an environment’s risk with our free password audit tool. Experience how it can transform your security approach with seamless integration and robust protection. Enhance security, reduce costs, and provide peace of mind to your clients with Enzoic.

Contact us today to learn more and get started with Enzoic for Active Directory.




Josh Parsons

Josh is the Product Marketing Manager at Enzoic, where he leads the development and execution of strategies to bring innovative threat intelligence solutions to market. Outside of work, he can be found at the nearest bookstore or exploring the city’s local coffee scene.